1. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the best? Why?
I enjoyed the mask making project, it was very different and it was fun exploring different ideas.
2. Which assignment did you ENJOY working on the least? Why?
I wasn't the biggest fan of the color wheel, while it was interesting learning about what colors can make what, I didn't like the mess of the paint.
3. How did you like using ANGEL?
I like using angel, it is very easy to navigate.
4. If you had the opportunity to change this course:
What would you keep?
I would keep the projects and exhibit project.
What would you remove?
I would remove maybe one or two gallery visits, It was challenging finding time to go there while working full time and living 40 minutes away.
What would you add?
I would add more interactive projects and blogs, I really enjoyed creating things!
5. Would you recommend this course to your peers?
Yes, it was very educational for an online art class.
6. Please list any other comments you would like to share.
I really enjoyed this course! Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!