Monday, December 10, 2012

Art reflections

1. What were you expectations for this course and where they met?
I wanted to learn about 2 dimensional art and the history of art and this course allowed me to do so. 
2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your intial posting?
Art to me now is the way a person applied skill and imagination to express themselves. 
3. Who was your favorite artist in your original posting and who is your favorite visual artist now? If there is a difference, why do you think so? If you have the same favorite artist, why do you think so?
 My favorite artist in the first post was Salvador Dali, now I would say I still enjoy his work but I also like Jackson Pollock's work as well, This course opened my eyes to so many new and different artists out there. 
4. Now that you've completed this course, how do you feel about taking an online course? Is your answer the same as it was in your first posting? How is it the same or different?
I still love taking online courses they really allow for flexibility and as long as you have good time management they are very fulfilling. My answer is still the same as my first post since I am so used to online courses.

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