Thursday, September 6, 2012


The key concepts: The first video talked about what is a work of art. How aristotle was different then plato and analyzed tragety. The first modern system of aesthetics was discussed as well.
The second video talked about the history and origin of aesthetics.  Cave paintings and their discovery were also talked about.  Plato (classical era) is the most important because he believes things that are not around forever is an idea that can only be reasoned and that beauty is just an attraction. Changeux view was interesting because he talked about how the brain basically tells you what you are seeing. He also believes humans have artistic non-verbal ways of expressing themselves.  He talks about how the human brain has evolved significantly over time. Ramachandran came up with the 8 laws of art. He believes that a butterfly has beauty because of the butterfly it came from not because it is what our brain makes us see.  These videos explain in depth the perception of aesthetics.  I think these films are very interesting in explaining aesthetics and the origins of them. They both add depth in understanding these topics and bringing up subjects dealing with aesthetics that I would never have thought of.

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